How to Cook Tamarind Mutton Curry (Imli Mutton Karahi)

Tamarind Mutton Curry

Tamarind Ingredients:

Lamb meat (Mutton)
Half Kg
200 grams
Black paper
1 (tea Spoon)
White Cumin
1 (tea Spoon)
Green chilli pepper
250 grams

Tamarind (Imli)juice
50 milliliter
Canola oil
A Cup of tea
Fennel flower (seed)
1 (tea Spoon)
According to taste
Red chilli pepper
A little bit

How toCook Tamarind (imli) Mutton Curry :

Step-1 Take a cup of canola oil in the pot and insert the blended onions to it and fry them until their color turn into brown. Step-2 Then inserts meat to it and adds some hot water in it then cook until the meet get cooked. Step-3 Then inserts black paper, white cumin, tamarind juice, salt and red chilli pepper in it and cover the pot and put on the cooking heater at lower heat. Step-4 In a fry-pan fry the green chilli paper, after frying add into the mutton and insert fennel flower to it, then mix it very well.
